End of Lease Cleaning

Vacate cleaning is a all-encompassing service provided to tenants who are vacating of their rental property . Our deep cleaning service includes all parts of the property , including the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, living areas, and outdoor spaces . We aim to make sure that the property is spotless and sparkling and meets the expectations of the property manager. We recognize the significance of a full return of the security deposit for our customers, and therefore, offer a bond back guarantee . Our prices start at $149 and depend on the size of the property and the level of cleaning required .

Moving On: A Thorough End of Lease Cleaning Guide

Moving out of a rental property can be a stressful process, particularly when it is time to clean. You'll want to make sure your property is in tip-top shape so that you can get your bond back, but with so many things to do it's easy to forget things.

End of lease cleaning explained What's included?

Moving out of a property that is rented can be a difficult experience, especially when it involves cleaning the property to meet the requirements of the landlord. A majority of tenants decide to do the cleaning themselves however this is long and tiring.